Home > This Box of Produce

This Box of Produce

March 30th, 2012 at 12:09 am

Carrots, romaine lettuce, asparagus, apples, pears, tangelos, mango, cucumber, zucchini.

I went ahead and signed up for weekly produce delivery. $39/box.
I can cancel or reduce the service anytime I like. For now, while DH is on his "cleanse", we are eating more fresh food I figure this is a good way to go. I love it. It would be good if we kept up the extra healthy eating.

Getting the delivery is really a good way to eat more fruit and veggies. The box came yesterday and as soon as we opened it up we were munching on the carrots and the tangelos (so juicy we had to eat them over the sink!). I cooked one bunch of asparagus with last night's dinner. Tonight I am making homemade spaghetti sauce and I chopped up one of the zucchini and added it in.

2 Responses to “This Box of Produce”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Wow, that looks fantastic. My first reaction was that it looked like very little food for that amount of money. I think that might cost me about $21 for that box in Canada. But on the other hand, the food looks so nice and I would probably use it. Most of ours gets tossed. So overall it's probably a great deal.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    That really looks like a great assortment!

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