Home > DH is a Pain (sometimes)

DH is a Pain (sometimes)

April 6th, 2013 at 03:29 pm

Sometimes my DH is so very frustrating.
Don't get me wrong I love him very much, but there are times when I don't know if I can stay married to him. Sometimes he is an immature ass. In truth he has gotten a lot better over the years, so I guess there is hope he'll "grow" out of it. Wink

There are things he needs to take care of and I don't understand *why* he doesn't just do them. One is his National EMT test. He did great in his class, he has had his EMT in the past for years. Just take the damn thing already!

He has a fondness for good whiskey. Last night he drank too much which is about a once or twice monthly sort of thing. Let me be clear here and say he is not abusive at anytime, verbal or physical. What I don't like is the lame comments, lack of rational thought and thus the inability to have a meaningful conversation. He knows I hate this and that I worry he could end up like FIL who basically drinks every night. Not to a drunken stupor, but alcoholism just the same. I could not stand dealing with an "altered" spouse nearly every evening.

He had to get up at 5:30 this morning and I didn't feel the least bit sorry for him. In fact I hope he really feels like crap.

He will apologize for overdoing doing it - I know and I am glad he will, but he doesn't change his behavior.

He is a funny, kind, supportive man. He loves his family and works hard. Lots of good qualities 90% of the time, why do I let the other 10% bother me? I am not perfect.

3 Responses to “DH is a Pain (sometimes)”

  1. snafu Says:

    Would you consider attending a couple of ALANON meetings to clarify your concerns and getting a fresh perspective or different coping skill sets? Does DH respond to bribery to take his EMT test? Does he need to keep it current?

  2. dmontngrey Says:

    I certainly understand where you are coming from here. My hubby has ADHD and completely lacks an understanding of moderation. As long as he's having a good time, what does it matter? A lot actually. Frown He promises to change, spaces out, and screws up yet again. I am quite "thankful" alcohol appears to make his arthritis symptoms flare up. He's fine if he has just one drink, but wakes up in excruciating pain if he has a few. He's finally understanding he HAS to cut back drastically. He's not a bad guy - not at all!! Just quite misguided in associating alcohol with fun. He also tends to use it to self-medicate, but obviously that's not too helpful these days.

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    I have thought about ALNON and DH has talked about AA.
    I don't know about bribing him to take the test. That's kinda the point - he isn't a child he just needs to do it. Yes, he needs to get it current.

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