June 17th, 2010 at 12:41 am
We have a friend who works at Sears. I saw her yesterday and showed her baby DS. She showed me a new refrigerator. It is one of the models I had admired on past visits. It's 'last years' model, the floor display. It is on clearance. More than 50% off, like $1100 less. 0% Sears card financing for a year.
We are going to need a new fridge - at some point. Our current fridge is a 1991 model that came with the house. I suppose it will die sooner rather than later. Should we replace it now while we can get a great deal on the fancy fridge I really like? Or wait until it dies and buy at (likely) full price?
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Credit Cards,
House and Home
June 8th, 2010 at 06:34 pm
I really think if you like or use eggs regularly it is wonderful to have your own hens. We have six laying hens that live in a cute little henhouse/coop in our backyard. That means fresh eggs everyday! Yum! I look at it like growing your own veggies. I feel so good that our hens are healthy and happy. It is a fact that home raised eggs are more healthy too.
Cost wise I think it's about equal to buying them in the store. A bag of feed is about $14 and lasts about 5 weeks. A bag of 'scratch' (chicken candy) is about $12 and lasts 8 weeks. During warm weather they each lay one egg per day, so 3.5 dozen per week. Winter they lay about every other day, so 1 to 1.25 dozen per week. We give family and friends lots of eggs in the summer!
Plus, chickens do funny things. They are very entertaining! 

(Not a great picture, but all I had on my computer of the girls for now.)
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Food / Groceries,
House and Home
May 20th, 2010 at 10:29 pm
I have a quick moment to get online and catch up on life outside my house!
Baby DS is doing very well. Two weeks old now. He has slept through the night three nights in a row now. **Knock on wood** He keeps that up!
Our water/sewer bill came, $29.30, for two months....What?? A normal bill is about $120-$140. It looks like they applied the $100 deposit we paid early last year. What a nice suprise and perfect timing too.
Feels like we've got lots of money going out and a trickle coming in....Only temporary. I'll be back on track in no time! 
Back to baby watching......
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House and Home
May 4th, 2010 at 01:09 am
Lots on the posts about home improvement projects. It must be Spring!
One of our projects for the house is replacing all the interior doors from plain plank style and mismatched hardware to very pretty doors and all matching handles. We have already replaced three doors, we have two more that are in the garage (bought while they were on amazing sale!) and we have to special order three more.
So DH says to me last week, "Hey, let's order those other doors and while my dad is here we can get the rest of the doors done." To which I replied, "Are you crazy? I don't want home improvement projects done the first week the new baby is home!!" Not to mention the additional costs.
Poor DH, I think it's just his form of "nesting", because he looked just a little hurt when I told him he was going to have to wait on the doors.
Our house was built in 1955 (good and solid). It is about 1140 sf on about 7000 sf lot. We bought it as a foreclosure. The owners before us had bought it in 2005/2006 for $504,000! Ouch! I really love our cozy little home, but could never see paying that for it. It's in good shape, but it needs some updates and some additional things we think would make it more 'special'. At some point I will post our wish list.
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House and Home