June 27th, 2012 at 05:15 am
Just DS and myself home tonight for dinner. DH is at firefighter training and DD is at camp. I just wanted to fix something quickly. I ended up making veggie burgers, baked baby potatoes and this salad...
I noticed my spinach is growing like crazy, so it's fresh spinach from our garden, ripe strawberries and avocado. I mixed up a little batch of oil, vinegar and honey to use as dressing. It was great! The only thing I wished I had was some of that feta from the goat dairy, but I ate that all up last week.
Posted in
What's for Dinner?
June 24th, 2012 at 11:11 pm
A bit of spending here at our house this weekend.
I took DD and one of her school friends to see "Brave" in 3D on Friday night. It was a GREAT movie! I liked it very much. Very good mother/daughter film. The 3D keeps getting better and better each time I go to the theater. We had frozen yogurt before the movie.
$22 for tickets. $9 for frozen yogurt.
Saturday I picked up a long time friend of DD who lives in the next town up. Then we all went to the fair. We were able to get in for free again this year. (A friend who has family that works for the fair gets us free passes in.)
DD's entries all won first in their respective classes!
But not Best of Show in their categories, so I don't think she'll get any prize money. *shrug* It's just fun to exhibit in the fair, winning money is just icing.
At the fair I gave DD $15 to spend. DH and I spent $35 on glorious fair food. (foot long corndogs, fried artichoke hearts, lemonade, cinnamon rolls) We tried a deep fried Twinkie this year - kind of tasted like a donut to us.
This morning I took DD to the sporting goods store for camp related supplies. $61. She'll be gone on her first sleep-away camp for five nights.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
This and That
June 21st, 2012 at 11:43 pm
I filled up this morning and was shocked (in a good way) to see $3.69/gal. About three weeks ago it was $4.15/gal. I heard on the news the 'experts' are predicting gas prices at or slightly under $3/gallon by the end of the year. **fingers crossed**
$61 to fill up.
What is the gas going for in your area?
It seems that our Labrador "Maxx" has some neck pain. Hopefully a simple pinched nerve and not a ruptured vertebral disk or worse...
It's just been one health problem after another with our furry family in the last 10 months. I really can't take much more.
Posted in
Daily Expenses
June 16th, 2012 at 11:20 pm
Going off Ceejay's post yesterday...
I'm home from work and it's hotter than heck out, so I enjoyed sitting inside with the AC putting this post together. Spent some time looking thru Quicken. Pretty convenient that we are exactly halfway thru the year; it was easy to come up with some averages.
If you missed Ceejay's post here is the USDA report she cited -
Text is http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/CRC/crc2011.pdf and Link is http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/CRC/crc2011.pdf
I used the Western Region/middle income bracket. Page 28
USDA Figure [Our Actual Spending]
For DS (2 years old):
Housing: $4670 [$0]
Food: $1440 [$950]
Transportation: $1780 [$162]
Clothing: $800 [$300]
Health care: $800 [$250]
Childcare: $2750 [$6750]
Misc.: $1020 [$700]
For DD (10 years old)
Housing: $4670 [$0]
Food: $2460 [$1900]
Transportation: $1970 [$162]
Clothing: $750 [$300]
Health care: $940 [$250]
Childcare: $1950 [$1260]
Misc.: $1230 [$1000]
DH and I would have bought this house or a similar three bedroom house regardless of having the kids or not.
I figured our yearly food costs. I was going to just divide it evenly between four people, but obviously DH and I eat way more than DS. So I just figured DD would eat about half of DH or I and DS would be about half of DD.
The USDA definition was "expenses related only to family-related activities". We do trips and such, but we would do those even without children. I just figured 5% of the annual fuel expenses per child.
Kids get gifts of clothes all the time. I figured an average of $20/mo/child, plus two pairs of shoes.
Health care:
"..the share of household out-of-pocket health care expenses spent on children.."
I've listed copays for annual dr. visit and bi-annual dentist visits.
These are crazy low averages IMO. I get that many people might have family watching the kids for free or work opposite hours so one parent is watching them. Anyhow, our total is much higher than their average.
"..(personal care items, such as haircuts, toothbrushes, etc.; entertainment, such as portable media players, sports equipment, computers, etc.; and reading materials, such as nonschool books, magazines, etc.).."
For DS this is where I counted his diapers, wipes, haircut every 4(ish) months, books, occasional toy and gifts.
For DD I count her gifts, twice yearly haircuts, extra activities (camp, craft classes, movies, trumpet etc..).
Posted in
Personal Finance,
June 16th, 2012 at 05:34 am
DD and DH left this morning on a Father/Daughter motorcycle road trip. Celebrating Father's Day weekend. Tonight they are staying at my sister and her BF's house. Saturday they will stay in a hotel. Sunday they are staying with the inlaws. Monday they'll be home. They saved cans for pretty much a year. Collecting them from here at home, from DH's work and any where else DD could find. They cashed them in last week to pay for all their fuel and most of the hotel. Their plan was to travel on the cheap and have no impact on the household budget.
I work a half day tomorrow. Not a big deal. The time will fly because we're booked solid. It is supposed to be very hot tomorrow. Today was 88F, but it took until 8:45pm before it cooled down to a comfortable 74F. Now that it's dark it's cooling quickly.
My mom will be visiting Sunday before she heads for the airport Monday. She is meeting with my aunt in France for a cruise. (Yes, I'm a little jealous!)
Sunday my sister will stop by to see both my mom and I. She is flying to Arizona to help a girlfriend drive a car back here. (Not very jealous. I don't want to go to AZ in June )
Posted in
This and That
June 16th, 2012 at 04:59 am
Made the usual monthly payments.
I was able to chip $46.75 more from redeeming reward points.
$17,940 Previous Balance
$17,387 Current Balance
Posted in
Credit Cards,
June 14th, 2012 at 11:26 pm
I said when I had time I'd post some pictures.
Here is our garden boxes. I still want a few pavers or stepping stones to place between the boxes so I can walk out in my bare feet.
The sad thing is our peach tree was so loaded with fruit that the main trunk split and we had to cut it off (in the pic behind the garden). Then the other half bent and cracked in the wind. I don't think we'll be able to save the tree now.
Sunday I took DS, DD and one of her friends to a local humane, sustainable goat dairy. (Redwood Hill Farm - you might see their stuff at Whole Foods.) Their "Farm Day" was free. You could pet and hold kids, milk a goat, brush goats and sample their products. I spent $22 for four types of cheese. Yum, So good!
Sonoma County vineyards on the drive to the farm.
These are DD's fair entries.
Fused glass plate.
Painted notecards w/envelopes.
Decorated blown egg.
It cost $1/item to enter.
First prize for the egg is $25. **Fingers crossed** for DD!
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
House and Home,
Travel & New Sights
June 13th, 2012 at 06:01 am
Phew! Busy here. I am working six days this week because our receptionist has gone to visit family for the week.
It's been hot here the past few days. Today was hot, but by the time I got home (6:20pm) it was a beautiful 76F. Just wanted to veg in the backyard with a cold beer , but I had a bunch of "mom stuff" to do. And I realized that I had to run DD to the craft store so she could get a few small things for her decorated egg that she is entering in our fair. I spent $6. Fair is next week.
I also checked the dates and times for entry drop-offs and I missed the window to drop off my photographs. I spent $6 to enter. I am going to try to take them when we take DD's items, but I'm not holding my breath. Bummed, but not the end of the world.
Went to a dairy goat farm on Sunday with the kids. I want to post a few pics when I get time.
Our garden is loving the hotter weather. I keep taking pictures to post, so I'll do that soon too.
Posted in
This and That
June 9th, 2012 at 03:54 am
In yesterday's post I had checked Quicken and our total grocery spending for May had been $1005. Tonight I looked more carefully and there was a Costco transaction categorized as 100% groceries which was only part grocery. After deducting that, the total spent was $897. Our produce box was delivered five times in May also. But even so, we did a lot of food buying in May!
My goal for June will be half that of May.
Posted in
Food / Groceries
June 7th, 2012 at 11:17 pm
Just a few days back I got a $15 Strbks card as a reward in the mail. And I wrote how nice and easy it was to earn.. Well, I just got another email from BoA to do the same thing.
Just a few quick clicks through the email link + pay our cell phone bill in a few days with that card = A second $15 gift card.
Beautiful weather here. Nice and mild at about 75F. Going to have BBQ chicken breasts, baked sweet potatos, corn on the cob and maybe a few other fruits/veggies that need eating tonight for dinner. Once I finish up on the computer I am going to get a bunch of strawberries cut up for strawberry shortcake for dessert.
I see a few posts about grocery spending. Well, I just checked Quicken and we spent a whopping $1005 in groceries last month! That is much higher than usual. I'm going to look through it and see when I spent all that. Our chest freezer and fridge/freezer and pantry are all FULL so we have something to show for all that spending.
Posted in
Credit Cards,
Food / Groceries,
What's for Dinner?
June 7th, 2012 at 12:57 am
Just arrived back home about an hour ago. My grandma's memorial was Tuesday. Thankfully it didn't rain or snow, the sun even poked out (Thanks Grandma!) for the whole afternoon.
It was a sad event, but our family had a really nice visit afterwards. I was able to see two of my cousins and their kids, including a new baby, that I haven't seen in almost five years. We were all over at grandma and grandpa's house and there weren't tears or sadness. Instead we looked at old pictures and laughed together. That seemed to make grandpa pretty happy too. It makes me sad now to think about how much grandma would have loved that and she "missed it". I do feel like she was 'there in spirit', so maybe I shouldn't feel too sad.
My BFF was there also. It was nice to visit with her on part of the drive. As well as driving together with my mom and dad. But, I visit with them more often than my BFF. Money wise, because I drove everyone in my car, my parents paid for all the gas.
Today feels like a Sunday now because I took two days off. I have to keep reminding myself that it is really Wednesday. Ha! I get to work for two days and then it's the weekend again!
Because it is Wednesday we have a new produce box..
Lots of good stuff. Strawberries, carrots, beets, green onion, avocado, nectarines, corn, bananas, zucchini, oranges, lettuce, chard.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
This and That
June 3rd, 2012 at 11:03 pm
I did go back to the grocery store this morning. Unfortunately, gift cards are not counted toward a $75 purchase. I did buy a few items I forgot to buy yesterday. So I spent $15 today and $119 yesterday on groceries.
We did buy a new lawnmower on Memorial Day. $294.
Sent out checks and registrations for DD's summertime activities.
Planning to get the oil changed and the car washed tomorrow in preparation for the long drive this week.
(SO happy this is a five payday month! All of the above is covered.)
Foolish spending:
I am sending off a check for $25 to the state. My RVT license was due for renewal this past month. That was fine. But, because I did not update my address soon enough I have to pay a penalty. Really pretty silly because they are printing a new license and all that stuff because of the renewal. Silly mistake on my part because I never thought about updating my address when our office moved 18 months ago. Oh well...
Second thing was $7.50 in library fines.
Third thing was something I had been 'wanting', not needing. I bought it with birthday money. Now I might return it and apply the bday cash to the cc payment. I really like said item, but I don't NEED it. Wrestling with what will make me happier.
The rest of this afternoon I am working on laundry and enjoying the beautiful weather. Can't wait to watch the season finale of "Game of Thrones" tonight!
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
This and That
June 3rd, 2012 at 12:18 am
My $15 Starbucks gift card came in the mail today from BoA. It was a reward for using that cc to pay our cell phone bill. I hope I get more email offers like that ... SO easy to "earn" free treats!
I treat myself once weekly or less. I have been taking advantage of special offers and Free drink coupons from a client at work the past few months. I've only spent $12.30 in the past three months. $10 of that was to buy a $15 giftcard using a grocery store promo. I used my empty Stbks ground coffee bag to get a free drip coffee while I shopped today.
Speaking of grocery store promos; Safeway is doing the spend $75 & get $10 promo this weekend. I went to the store this morning. I am thinking I will go again tomorrow and buy a gift card for groceries to earn another $10 reward. Provided I can do that.
At some point this month I will probably buy some gc for groceries just to 'max out' on my 5% back on grocery store spending. June is the last month. Until I started reading posts here I would never have thought to do that.
Posted in
Credit Cards,
Food / Groceries,
May 31st, 2012 at 10:59 pm
Sadly, my grandma passed away on Tuesday. This is my paternal grandma and we spent a lot of time together so I have so many wonderful memories. She was 86. Her health had always been quite good up until the past few months. Thankfully, she never suffered dementia or had to live her last days in a care home.
I am also so sad for my grandpa. The house is going to be so lonely for him.
We live about seven hours away. Next week I will take a few days off from work so I can attend the memorial service.
Posted in
This and That
May 27th, 2012 at 07:06 pm
Made the CC payments this week.
$18,385 - Previous Balance
$17,940 - Current Balance
Slowly creeping downward....
My weight loss was going great before we went on vacation. Now it has come to a screeching halt. So at the half-way point of the year I've only lost 6lbs. Right before we left I was down 11lbs.
New car savings. Nothing new. This was overly optimistic with the other stuff, but aim high right?
Roof. Hoping DH will swing a few side jobs this summer to round out the roof replacement savings. This is pretty likely - summertime and people want AC.
Life insurance. Have gathered several quotes. Just want to lose the weight to get better prices.
Braces. Lasik. Trust. No action - Yet.
Posted in
Credit Cards,
Personal Finance,
This and That
May 26th, 2012 at 05:22 pm
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!
School is officially over. This past week we bought little "Thank You" goodies for DD's teacher, music teacher, office staff and her daycare. She had a class party on Friday and brought croissants. I wrote final payment checks to the lunch lady and daycare.
Now I am working on registrations for summertime camps for DD. The past several years she has gone to a weeklong horseback riding day camp. We work it out with one or two school friends to all go on the same week. That way we share the driving. This year I will drive the girls every morning. This is good for me because it’s only a little out of the way on my way to DS’s daycare and my work. Then the other mom will do all the afternoon pick-ups. Again, perfect for me because I don't get off work until after camp is over. It's really a problem for working families because most day camps don't last the whole work day. Some will offer "after hours" daycare for an extra charge, but sometimes that is only until 5pm.
Anyhow, going to register for a week of horse camp and a week of 4-H camp. 4-H camp is a sleep-away camp; a first for DD.
This weekend we need to shop for a new lawn mower. Our old mower was given to us about four years ago and now it's done for. Hopefully we'll be able to snag a MD Weekend sale.
Other than that we don't have any other plans to go anywhere.
Posted in
This and That
May 22nd, 2012 at 08:20 pm
Busy here. Not finding much time to be online for anything more than checking email and paying bills.
Last Thursday we finally had to say goodbye to our Shetland Sheepdog Sasha. Her health really deteriorated pretty quickly starting last Sunday. She had lymphoma. All of us were very sad to have to say goodbye.
Here she is at DD's last sleepover with a pair of glasses on. She was very popular with all the kids because she was smaller and calm.
I celebrated my birthday by having dinner on the Napa Valley Wine Train. DH and I went to the "Murder Mystery" dinner. A very fun and entertaining experience. The food was quite good. The train and scenery were both fabulous. I had asked for gift certificates for the train for Christmas. We did have to buy an additional gift certificate from Costco to cover the cost for both of us to go. It was a $100 gc for $80. While on the train we also spent on a glass of wine, a glass of champagne, a beer and a special coffee at dessert. We also left a tip for our server making our total out of pocket cost $150. (The total price was $370.)
My parents watched the kids for us. And the next day they stayed and helped fill our garden boxes with dirt and have BBQ dinner with us. The weather was gorgeous.
Sunday I went kayaking on the Russian River with two girlfriends. Afterwards we went to an early dinner. I had a cat sitting client over the weekend and made $50 which paid for most of my outing. $37 for kayak rental, $5 snack/lunch, $20 for dinner.
This is the last week of school for DD. Wow!
Welcome Summer!
Posted in
Travel & New Sights,
What's for Dinner?,
May 15th, 2012 at 10:08 pm
Several weeks back MonkeyMama posted about a new cell phone plan where you could pick your features.
I happened to mention this company to one of my girlfriends a few weeks back. I walked with her this morning and she mentioned that she and her DH had switched cell service to Ting. They bought new phones and with Ting you buy the phone outright, so that was a bit of an up front expense. But, she said their cell phone bill is now $25/mo. Right now they have the smallest amount of minutes and texts. She might move up to the next level for texts, but even if they do they are saving a ton over their old AT&T service. She was really happy I had told her about it... So I'm passing her "Thanks" along to MM.
I told my friend I was glad she was trying it out. (She can be our guinea pig )
Posted in
Saving Money
May 14th, 2012 at 11:14 pm
Hope everyone had an enjoyable day yesterday..
It was a beautiful Sunday here. The sun was out with a light breeze and 72F was the warmest temp.
My family let me sleep in a bit and made me breakfast when I got up. After eating I watched "Water for Elephants" on HBO. I had been wanting to see it for some time and I was happy to get to watch it while we are getting free HBO. I enjoyed the movie. It seems like the book would be a really good read.
In the afternoon we all worked in the backyard for a little while. Making over the garden area. This year we are adding more space and making it look prettier. I wanted to downsize the raised bed we had, and then add a few more of the smaller size beds. I also plan to spread the gravel we have raked up from this area around the raised beds and add stepping stones. If it turns out like I am picturing it's going to look very nice and last us a long time.
After working DH, DD and I all showered and DS had a much needed bath. Then we watched the baseball game I had recorded while we were in the yard. The Giants WON! Yay!
We had a simple dinner. I finished Mother's Day off with a bowl of frozen yogurt while I watched "Game of Thrones".
Posted in
This and That,
House and Home
May 12th, 2012 at 06:50 pm
The past ten days have been busy 'round here.
DD had a school band concert last Thursday. They sounded really good all together. Can't believe school ends this month!
Last weekend was DS's second birthday.
Wow! He is getting to be such a big boy.
This was the most frugal (cheap) birthday celebration to date at our house. We didn't have a party or invite anyone over to the house. DD baked and decorated cupcakes, we went to the park and DH made BBQ kabobs for dinner. As for gifts we didn't buy him anything. He did get gifts to unwrap from my mom & dad, my co-worker and my boss. My MIL & FIL sent a very cute card with $40. Next year I know we'll do something bigger - a party with family and friends.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were very busy at work. Our receptionist was out on vacation, so that added some extra work. I like it that way, lots to do and making money.
Thursday I took DD to her first 4H meeting. We're going to check out a few clubs in our town and figure out which clubs offer what and how organized they are and such. DD is interested in going to 4H camp this summer. She is also interested in several projects, including puppy raising for Guide Dogs.
Nothing much of note financially speaking. I did make $60 this week by watching a friend's dog. I am keeping $20 to put in my wallet and sending the $40 to CC payment.
Need to go grocery shopping this weekend. I was going to get in done this morning first thing, but was totally unmotivated. I will go later today because I don't want to do it tomorrow (Mother's Day) and I MUST use the $10 off coupon by this weekend. I also have a reward coupon to redeem for a $5 Starbucks gift card.
Added $25 to the EF by auto transfer. Unfortunately, the Giants have not won many games lately so not much to add there.
Posted in
This and That,
May 2nd, 2012 at 11:12 pm
Blogoversary! Doh!
Two years on April 29th. Boy, the time seems to fly.
Two years ago I stopped being a "lurker" and started blogging because I was at home on maternity leave. Now in just a few days little DS will be two-years-old.
Just want to say - Thanks Everyone.
I really enjoy coming here. Reading about everyone's daily life. All the support. All the great ideas.
Posted in
This and That
May 1st, 2012 at 03:37 pm
Monday, April 30
$180 Childcare for DD. Contract hours for May, plus extra hours from April.
$300 Horse board.
$ 3 McDonalds. Lunch for me.
Dinner: BBQ hamburgers, potato salad, artichokes, strawberry shortcake.
Sunday, April 29
$104 Safeway. Groceries.
Dinner: Pizza, strawberry shortcake.
Saturday, April 28
$15 DH lunch out.
Dinner: soup, sandwiches, steamed veggies, frozen yogurt.
Friday, April 27
$ 9 In 'n Out Burger. Dinner for me and DS.
$30 Parking in SF.
$19 Dinner for DD and DH at the ballgame.
DD played her trumpet with the Junior Philharmonic at the SF Giants game. She and DH stayed for the game.
Dinner: out.
Thursday, April 26
$ 0
Dinner: leftover lasagna, ice cream.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
What's for Dinner?,
Daily Expenses
April 28th, 2012 at 09:18 pm
DH and I had a very nice vacation. Really enjoyed snorkeling. Saw a sea turtle!
Everything went fine at home while we were gone.
We spent a total of $630. That includes the $175 for DH's sport fishing excursion, $162 for the rental car and about $70 in gas. Gas was $4.89/gal on Maui. The rest of the spending was on food, drinks, snorkel rental and a few little souvenirs. We only took carry-on so we didn't pay any baggage fees.
Out our room balcony.
At the resort.
On the road to Hana.
Posted in
Travel & New Sights
April 28th, 2012 at 08:56 pm
Made the cc payments this morning.
$18,872 - Previous Balance
$18,385 - Current Balance
Added to the EF this morning also. (Giants wins while on vacation)
$3,038 - Previous
$3,046 - Current
Posted in
Credit Cards,
Saving Money
April 28th, 2012 at 08:45 pm
Saturday, April 28
$15 DH lunch out. He is working at one of the city fire stations.
Friday, April 27
$ 9 In 'n Out Burger. Dinner for me and DS.
$30 Parking in SF.
$19 Dinner for DD and DH at the ballgame.
DD played her trumpet with the Junior Philharmonic at the SF Giants game. She and DH stayed for the game.
Thursday, April 26
$ 0
Posted in
Daily Expenses
April 18th, 2012 at 03:46 pm
Tuesday, 4/17
$ 0
Dinner: lentil soup, kiwis, pears, ice cream.
Monday, 4/16
$110 Haircut and color for me. I go about every six months.
$ 20 Tip.
Dinner: leftover BBQ chicken breasts, baked sweet potatoes, steamed spinach, avocado, chocolate ice cream and mini creampuffs.
Sunday, 4/15
$25 Pedicure.
$ 3 Tip.
$26 Kohl's.
Dinner: BBQ chicken breasts, brown rice, steamed broccoli, avocados, kiwi, frozen yogurt and mini creampuffs.
The Giants won last night, so I will add $2 to the EF later today.
New balance $3,038.
Posted in
Daily Expenses
April 17th, 2012 at 07:52 pm
I reserved our rental car for our Hawaii trip. I thought about and price checked a few independent rental companies, but in the end I figured it would be quicker and more convenient to use a major company who was right there at the airport.
I rechecked Costco travel and was very pleased to see that some of the rates had dropped from when I checked a few weeks back. I wonder if that is normal. If so, it's probably a good idea to recheck the price right before your dates. The lowest price a few weeks back was $220.
Enterprise had the lowest rate on the compact car. I checked their price at their website and it was $184 total.
Thru Costco it was $171 total.
Posted in
Saving Money,
Travel & New Sights
April 17th, 2012 at 03:36 am
Sunday, 4/15
$25 Pedicure. Went with a girlfriend.
$ 3 Tip.
$26 Kohl's. $16 shirt for me. $8 clearance sundress for DD. (I think I'll save it for a bday gift)
Dinner: BBQ chicken breasts, brown rice, steamed broccoli, avocados, kiwi, frozen yogurt and mini creampuffs.
I was laughing because we were eating a bunch of green colored food - broccoli, kiwi, and avocado.
Monday, 4/16
$110 Haircut and color for me. I go about every six months.
$ 20 Tip.
Dinner: leftover BBQ chicken breasts, baked sweet potatoes, steamed spinach, avocado, chocolate ice cream and mini creampuffs.
Posted in
What's for Dinner?,
Daily Expenses
April 15th, 2012 at 06:41 pm
Yesterday's spending.
I knew there would be a bunch. Then to top it off DH wanted to have french bread with dinner. He is on a diet and he gets to splurge/cheat one day per week now. Anyhow, he headed off to the grocery store for french bread and he took both kids with him. When he came home he had spent $60 and had changed the dinner plan to homemade pizza. HeHe! He's as dangerous in the grocery store as I am!
Okay Honey, it's YOUR splurge day, but it would've been much cheaper to buy take'n bake pizza.
It wasn't just pizza making stuff. He also bought stuff to make sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast this morning. And DD talked him into a box of cream puffs.
Trying to remind him that we'll be spending money in Hawaii in a few days...
Saturday, 4/14
$ 60 Safeway.
$150 Cell phone bill.
$196 PG and E. Gas and electric.
$325 CC payment.
$ 43 Garbage service. Auto-pay every 3 months.
$149 Comcast. Cable TV, Internet, Home phone.
Dinner: homemade pizza, frozen yogurt, cream puffs.
Friday, 4/13
$78 Safeway
Dinner: Loaded Baked Potatoes (baked potatos with bacon, sour cream, cheddar cheese, green onion), green beans, fruit, frozen yogurt.
Thursday, 4/12
Dinner: green salad & homemade cheesy potato soup (frozen from a batch I made about 3 wks ago), fruit, chocolate/peanut butter ice cream.
Wednesday, 4/11
$11 Lunch & tip.
$74 Gas. Fill-up at $4.13/gal.
Dinner: pasta w/homemade tomato sauce, fruit from the new box.
Tuesday, 4/10
$0 Starbucks. Free drink coupon.
$86 City water/sewer.
$92 Diapers.com.
Dinner: more Easter leftovers and pizza leftovers.
Monday, 4/9
Dinner: Easter leftovers.
Additions to the EF yesterday
+$ 6 Three SF Giant's Win 4/12, 4/13, 4/14
+$ 3.25 Coupon savings
New balance: $3036
Posted in
Saving Money,
What's for Dinner?,
Daily Expenses