Back to School Shopping Ads
August 6th, 2010 at 01:07 amDriving home this afternoon DD was looking at the newspaper insert ads. I think it was a JC Penney or Kohls ad when she said, "Look at these cute shoes mama." They were cute little pink plaid ballet flats. But, uh, $28!! Not for my nine year old who wears holes in her shoes before she even outgrows them! (If they were everyday shoes - okay, I'd buy them.)
I said, "Honey, wow, those shoes are kinda pricey."
"But mama, look the regular price is $39."
Ahh, a "teachable moment"...
"Well sweetie, that's how the stores get you to buy something like that. They make you think you're getting a good deal. Sometimes you are. But not on those shoes." I said.
She thought about that and was like, "Okay, maybe we can find some like these for a lot less, then we could buy them."
"Maybe." (universal parent answer. )
She does need a new backpack and lunch sack for school. I usually wait until fall, Oct/Nov, to buy clothes and new shoes. So far she has always been fine with wearing "old" clothes to the start of school. Sure hope that doesn't change anytime soon.
Gosh, she'll be back to school on August 18th! Fourth grade! *WOW*
Today baby DS is three months old. I will have to take/post a picture soon. Such a cutie!
Grocery shopping yesterday. $108. Dinners for the next week easy, plus milk, bread and cereal. Tonight it's Sloppy Joes, broccoli, and homemade fried french fries. Yum!
Overspent last month *sigh* Over budget by $900. Money I would have LOVED to put toward bills or savings. My excuse - long month and we did a lot and had several one time/occasional expenses (car registration, medical/dental etc..)
This month it'll be childcare and increased fuel usage.
Crunching numbers now.
Back to Work
August 3rd, 2010 at 07:31 pmI started back to work yesterday. Part time for now. It was still hard leaving baby DS even though it was five hours and I knew he was in good hands. Worked until 6 pm, picked up the kids, had to stop for gas, $60, was home just before 7 pm.
Going back will really limit the time I have to play with the kids, be online with you all, get housework done, etc..etc..
Work is so inconvenient.
Yesterday was also the first day in the new office building. Trying to unpack boxes and organize supplies and equipment. In the new place it seems we have storage in all the wrong places. The fax machine isn't working yet, no internet yet, something funny going on with the phone lines AND we're out of coffee! Of course my boss in his infinite wisdom started seeing appointments yesterday afternoon! It was almost laughable because nothing is easy to find and everything took three times longer to do. This new building is shaped like an L. Our old building was a square. For proper "flow" you really need the square shape. The new building means a lot more walking until we get stuff stocked at both "ends" of the L.
It will be very nice, and much prettier, once we get everything done. I am thinking that will be a few weeks to put things away and even longer to get really comfortable.
Had a very nice visit with DNiece and even with the inlaws too. Everyone left yesterday morning. Now I have to work on getting my August budget put together and balance the checkbook. I am about 10 days behind with all my financial keeping because of all the busy days and company.
DH and I had a good time at the Giants game Sunday. Beautiful weather and they won! We have tickets for a Sunday day game in two weeks. Going with the inlaws, DD and baby DS.
Updates. Hi all!
July 29th, 2010 at 02:55 pmKeeping busy here. I've missed catching up on all the postings. Maybe later.
DNiece (15yo) is visiting. She is so helpful and sweet. Only get to see her about once a year now that she's moved to Maryland.
Saturday: DD's bday party was a success! The pool cost $12. Food about $35 plus the cake. We made pizza with the girls who stayed for the slumber party. Yum! It had been so long since we made pizza at home. We'll be doing it again sooner rather than later. Trouble is it's more expensive to make it that to buy take and bake, which is sooo good too.
Sunday: a clean up and relax day.
Monday: grocery shopping. $195.
Tuesday: county fair opening day. $26. DD, DN, DS and me. Lovely weather. We built a scarecrow in a contest and won! The prize was free funnel cake. ($6) DS was such a good baby. He liked the fair. We looked at the exhibits and stage entertainment (Acrobatic Cats, hehe)
Wednesday: Costco $180. Other errands.
Today: Great America. Rides and water slides! $90 for tickets. I will also be paying $15 for "preferred parking". Closer to the entrance for packing in/out all our stuff and baby DS. I am thinking of having lunch at the car too. We'll take food and see how the day goes.
Weekend plans -
Friday: Relax and chores.
Saturday: The beach ? Ice skating ?
Sunday: Giants game.
In other news... My cell phone is dead. It was three years old. Really, they MUST make them only well enough to last for the two year contracts. lol. I have activated my old phone, which was DH's phone before that. So it's REALLY old, but still operational. Somewhat.. sometimes I can't hear the person on the other end of the line and have to use speaker..arrggg.. I won't be replacing with a fancy phone. Still looking at $80 for a phone and getting back into a contract.. *sigh* I guess it's not that bad, we hadn't been thinking of changing service anyway. This has got me looking at changing our plan. We could go for a low anytime minute (700) share plan with no frills, $79/month, and save about $30/month. I looked at our 12 month usage for "anytime" minutes. My average was about 200 and DH about 400. Totally worth trying it out.
In-Laws coming to visit Friday PM thru Monday AM. (Please give me strength and patience ) They will be watching the kids Sunday when DH and I go to the Giants game. And they will be taking DN with them when they leave.
Going back to work Monday afternoon... *sigh* Love my job, but LOVE being at home..
Little Party
July 24th, 2010 at 05:50 pmToday we are having DD's birthday party. I've had five kids RSVP with a "YES" out of fourteen total invitees. That's a summer party. Everyone is busy busy. It's okay. Makes the party very manageable.
This will save money at the pool.
And money on food too. However, I was out of town the past three days and I asked DH to pick up an ice cream cake. He is such a good helper and bought the largest size! $40. It is a good and bad thing; I really like ice cream cake!
We picked up DNiece last night and she will be staying with us for the week. Going to have some outings and that equals money spending. Aiming for small amounts and big fun. Picnic at the beach, rollerskating, swimming, ice skating...and???
Now I'm off to the grocery store.
Water Bill & Other Payments
July 20th, 2010 at 05:24 pmArrg.. the website logged me off/kicked me out. Made me lose most of this post so now I've re-typed. I MUST remember to highlight and copy before I click the publish button!
Our water bill came yesterday. Our city is now billing once monthly instead of every other month. The good thing is they finally adjusted our sewer usage down to "Winter Average". That saves because the sewer charges are $7.04 per hundred cubic feet (hcf=748 gallons). Tier one water charges are $2.83 per hcf and go up from there. Then you have base service charges on both water and sewer.
Our bill $74. I am going to start having this bill automatically charged to the cc each month.
In regards to the water bill it seems that our new washer is saving lots of water and that means it's saving me lots of money both in and out (sewer). I'll post once I calculate. But even if it uses one hcf less per month that saves $10.
Recent payments:
Payment to Sears card $75. Much less than I had budgeted for, but spent in other areas. I'll do a second payment if I have a little extra at the end of the month.
PG&E $143.
Home phone/cell phones/DSL $156.
Cable $85.
Garbage/Recycle/Yard Waste $44 (three months)
My ROTH is down $14. Not bad with the market jumping around right now. I need to check DH's, but he has forgotten his username and will need to call.
July 20th, 2010 at 04:37 pmSo I've been blessed to have had a cleaning service once monthly for the past four months. A gift. We have never had any "professional" help with house keeping. I am addicted! How did we ever do it on our own? We did, but not nearly as often as the house needs. And with me going back to work soon I really wonder if the dusting, shower scrubbing and mopping will get done, or put off to "next weekend". I've got one more cleaning, then if I want to continue it's $90 monthly.
Where's the scrubby sponges?
Jail for Debt
July 19th, 2010 at 10:48 pmJust saw this online.
Look out...
Home Values
July 19th, 2010 at 06:38 pmIn the year and a half that we've lived on our street there have been four other houses that have sold just on our street. Of course there are others in the same neighborhood that have listed/sold. But in the interest of time I am only talking about our street. All of these homes have the same square footage and really the same floorplan. The lots are all close in size. All in all very comprable.
January 2009: $265,000 (our house)
December 2009: $302,000 (about 12 houses up)
March 2010:$339,000 (across the street and down a bit)
May 2010: $340,000 (other end of street)
July 2010: $285,000 (about 6 up - list price - in contract - so we'll see..)
Here is a picture that represents the houses on our street.
Currently Zillow estimates our home at $310,000.
I feel so lucky that our home is not underwater. So, So Lucky!
Making Up for Friday
July 19th, 2010 at 05:52 pmHad a MUCH more frugal weekend. Phew!
NSD Saturday and a $16 Sunday.
Saturday my mom, DD, baby and I went to one of the California missions. A state park in Sonoma. Toured the misson and the general's home. It was very cool. They had lots of the original belongings from the family. My mom paid for the admission and lunch.
She and DD left to go traveling for the next several days. They are visiting several California Missions and other sights.
Sunday DH, baby and I helped our friend move. We also visited the new work building. I think it's going to be very nice. There is still a bunch of work to do on it and we're supposed to be in there by August! My boss was there too. So we had a quick visit. He seems very happy and excited about the move, and not worried about not being ready. He is a pretty positive person. Makes it easy to work with him.
No bites on my CraigsList stuff. I will repost closer to the first of the month. Maybe when people have more money.
Going to another Giants game on Sunday August 1st. Free tickets for a suite! With a suite you also get free snacks and non alcoholic beverages. I am thinking about taking baby with us. He already has a Giants outfit given to him as a gift!
Expensive Night Out
July 18th, 2010 at 04:25 pmDH and I had a night out to the Giants ballgame Friday. I have a client at work who is a season ticket holder and gives me a game each season. They are sweet people with two sweet beagles. Their seats are very good along the first base line at field level. My mom came to our house to babysit DD and baby DS. So free babysitting and free tickets, but....
$30 for parking
$6 Golden Gate toll
$41 Food, Soda & Hot Coco
$50 (2) T-shirts and a foam finger
Arrg..such a splurge! Next time we're bringing our own coco!! We like having coco in the 7th inning. We ate Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches and garlic fries and shared a Sprite. The shirts are really cool Giants Firefighter. One for DH and one as a Christmas gift for DH's boss. DH did get a free fireman themed bobblehead..very cute...and FREE!
The Giants won!
We think we're a lucky charm because we've never been to a game where they've lost. Always get to see winning games!
My work is moving after 20+ years in the same location. So when I go back we'll be in a new building. That will be so weird I think. The old buildings' owner wanted to raise the rent, now she's trying to sell. For my boss the new building will be less in rent. And he's getting to make improvements to it. So new paint colors and a pretty floor. The waiting room has a rock fireplace! So cozy!
Helping a friend/co-worker move into a new little place today. So cute. A little cottage on a ranch. Much closer to work for her too.
EF Deposit
July 14th, 2010 at 05:40 pmAdded $120 to the EF yesterday!
Budgeted savings amount plus money I made taking care of a kitty.
I have posted three items on CraigsList so hopefully they'll sell and I can add that to the EF too!
DH and our Budget
July 14th, 2010 at 05:33 pmMost months I have a budget on a spreadsheet/budget template on the computer. I update as we spend and pay bills. (So like every other day! ) But up until last night DH had never looked at it. I'd just tell him, "We've xx amount set aside for this." Or, "It'll have to be a cheap dinner out. We have already spent our eating out amount." Etc.Etc.. This past weekend I typed my financial goals (like what I have in the sidebar) on a Word document and stored it on the desktop. I showed DH the "GOAL$" document and where to find the budget folder. I want him to look for himself.
Last night he was looking it over and was commenting on how he didn't realize this, and, wow - we spend that much on that?
Eye opening for him to SEE what I see daily. He doesn't have to take my word for it anymore. Always has, but I've seen the skeptical gleam in his eye when I say we don't have money for "it". In his parent's marriage there is a lot of money hiding. Like a cc and loan his mom has that his dad knows nothing about. I think that creates a lot of distrust. So this is good for me and I know he appreciates the full disclosure.
Party Time
July 13th, 2010 at 06:56 pmDD is going to horse camp all this week. This is my parents birthday gift to her. She attended the same camp last summer and this year she is going with two friends. It's good because us moms have split up the driving; it takes about 90 minutes round trip. I really don't mind the drive, but saves money on diesel.
Planning her birthday party. Going to be very frugal. Swim party at the city pool $2 per kid. I think I'll buy their "Swim Pass" 12 swims for $20. We'll serve some finger foods, punch and icecream cake. $50. Then some of the girls will come back to our house for a slumber party. A movie and popcorn - we have both - $0. Pancakes for breakfast. $10. DH and I already gave DD her gift from us on Sunday. An inexpensive digital camera and a little case. $85. We gave it to her early so she could take pics at camp this week and on her trip with grandma next week.
Now I've got to email out more party invites.
July 11th, 2010 at 02:09 amI guess I have an eye for quality??
I am always picking the most expensive items. lol.
$250 for a highchair! *Ouch*
Just looking around for a highchair for DS. We will need it before too long. And I think I really like the Stokke Tripp Trapp. I'd never seen it before, but gosh it seems like a good idea. All the reviews I've read are positive. Lasts for years, easy to clean, comfortable etc..
I am going to check CraigsList. Maybe I'll get lucky. Not that we need this.
Shopping Success
July 10th, 2010 at 04:53 amI am patting myself on the back.
I bought a very cute pair of chocolate brown capris at Kohl's. Suggested retail $40. I paid $3.45!
I returned a gift item for credit, shopped during their "Power Hours" (such a ploy, whatever!) and used a 15% off coupon.
Next, I had a gift certificate for Partylight candles. I have a friend who sells them. I do think they are the best candles, but are a bit spendy. I ordered online thru my friend's website and spent $0.35. 'Grapefruit Fresh' jar candle and votives shipped to my door; a special gift for me!!
DD needed a gift for a friend's birthday. WalMart! Returned some unused Newborn outfits from DS. $26 in store credit. That bought the gift, a card, laundry soap, coffee and Gatorade. So $0.10 spent there!
Ordered again from Had a $10 referral credit and used a coupon code they had posted. Plus no sales tax and free shipping. I can also mail in manufacturer coupons to be credited to my account. Spent $24. Would have cost almost twice that if I had purchased in a store!
Insurance Savings
July 8th, 2010 at 11:17 pmChanged the coverage on our two vehicles. F-250 diesel truck and Pathfinder. Will be saving about $55 per month. Might be a little more, I'll know when I get my declaration page and billing statement.
Ford Commercial
July 7th, 2010 at 07:29 pmI don't know if anyone else has seen this commercial on TV, so far I've only seen it once, but OMGosh..
DH and I were watching TV several nights back and this Ford commercial comes on. It's a woman who is saying she lost her job/laid off (?). But, Ford has such a great deal going she couldn't afford to pass it up and so she bought a new car!
I asked DH if I heard that right. He said he heard the same thing. Then we laughed about how crazy the commercial was. Yeah, she "couldn't afford" to pass that up!!!
Baby DS had his two month doctor appointment and vaccinations this morning. He did okay - poor sweetie - one minute he's talking and smiling at the nurse and then she's poking him with needles!
He weighs 12 lbs. 3 oz. now.
Nice Weekend
July 6th, 2010 at 07:15 pmWe had a nice fourth of July weekend. DS seemed interested, not frightened, in the fireworks going off on our street. DD was lighting fireworks this year! (DH helping) DH had a good friend come to town. We hadn't seen him in two and a half years. He brought his new (dating for over a year) girlfriend, so we got to meet her. She was very nice. Course with his visit we spent money that I didn't think we'd spend for the weekend. Saturday DH had drinks out with his buddy. $60. Sunday they contributed to our BBQ dinner, so no added cost there. DH and DD bought some fireworks. $48. Monday we met for breakfast out, split the check. $40. Sooo a $100 more....Still, it was good to see our friend.
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
DH is going to Alaska for a week the first part of September. His boss owns property in Sitka. He is an avid fly fisherman and is building four little cabins that they will rent to vacationers. They have one cabin built already. I've seen pictures and it's so cute and cozy. Anyhow, my DH's boss is taking DH and two of the other guys from work up there to go fishing The boss is providing the round trip flight and accommodations. His boss is very generous so I wouldn't be surprised if he pays for other little treats too. The four of them will split the cost of their fishing guide and food. DH has a furnace and AC install job that he will use the profits from to pay for his part. So "extra" money not budgeted income. I am happy that he goes, but I'd rather save the money.
Little Things & Budget
July 2nd, 2010 at 10:45 pmGetting a couple To Do things crossed off my list today. Ah.. it feels so good.
Grocery shopping this morning, about 8am. It was good because the crowds hadn't showed up yet to shop for the weekend. Bought a coffee and cruised the store with DS. Total $149. They had buy two 12 packs of soda get four Free! That much soda will probably last us until the end of the year.
Paid a medical bill. $130.
Mailed a box of gifts and such to BFF. $8.
Called my car insurance agent to discuss some changes to my policy. Left a message. Dropping collision, keeping comprehensive, probably. I'll put the savings into a "new car fund".
Vehicle registration on Pathfinder. Paid online. So easy! $124 for one year.
Still need to pick up chicken feed and pine shavings, deposit DH's paychecks and....Oh I forget!
Basic look at our July (& most other months) budget.
Mortgage $2064
& ROTHs $200
CC#3 $400
Sears $275
Childcare $0 -for now
Horses/Pets $300
Auto Insur. $115
Utilities $250
Food $600
Gas $125 + reg. $124
Gym $150
misc/cash $400
All I can think of off the top of my head. I've got a more detailed budget on a works spreadsheet.
If I don't post again before the weekend -
Have a Wonderful 4th Everyone!
We're going to have a relaxing weekend hanging around home. No plans to go anywhere; can see our city fireworks from our house.
Baby Pic
July 1st, 2010 at 06:59 pmLove Costco
June 30th, 2010 at 05:16 pmYesterday afternoon I went to Costco for a few items. They had 4GB memory cards (and other sizes) in a two pack for $10 off. I needed memory for my camera. As a plus when you bought the cards you also get 100 prints from the photo department for free. I also bought trail mix, TP, PT, and some meat. When I got home and started putting thing away I realized I didn't put the cards in the truck. I had left them in the cart!!! Oh big crap! I put baby back in the truck, rounded up DD and drove back to Costco now at 5:15pm. Thankfully traffic wasn't too bad. I couldn't believe I hadn't picked them up. Just left $30 sitting there. Stupid. I thought I might get lucky and find my cart still in the parking lot because I was parked a little further out. I got there - No luck. I went to the membership desk and told them what had happened. He directed me to the "front end" manager who gave me a new package without blinking an eye! WAHOO! Made my day. Thank you Costco!
Little Updates
June 29th, 2010 at 07:35 pmHaving a nice summer here.
Came home from my trip Friday. Surprise! My DH had a birthday/anniversary present for me, a digital camera! It is a Lumix. Blue; my favorite color! Wish he hadn't spent the money, but money he'd been stashing away for it. I'm excited to be getting some great pics of the family.
Saturday DH, DS and I went to our county fair with friends and their 15 month old DD. Our DD was still traveling with Grandma. Our friend has family that works for the fairgrounds in the maintenance department, so we didn't have to pay! We enjoyed looking at the exhibits and spent a little money on food. I love fair food! Corn Dogs, Funnel Cakes and Giant Cinnamon Rolls. Yum. So we saved $30 on admission and spent $23 on food. The weather was beautiful, about 85F with a breeze. Glad we went on Saturday, because Sunday was 95F.
Sunday we stayed in under the AC. So NSD! We watched a movie, played with DS, took care of some chores and BBQed for dinner. My mom and DD came home that night.
Monday I treated my mom to a pedicure for her birthday. DD and I had our toes done also. $70 total. I had two doctor appointments in the afternoon. OB and derm. $0 co-pay and $30 co-pay. The dermatologist snipped off a mole and sent it in for biopsy. Just a precaution, I do have history of skin cancer in the family.
Baby DS went to daycare for two and a half hours. $10. He seemed comfortable and happy with GB, the daycare lady. Good!
Started my DH on a weekly cash "allowance". $30. Although I don't call it that with him, don't want him to feel like a child! He uses the debit card almost daily for lunch or snacks while he's out of the office working. This may be a challenge for him because I don't think he really realizes how fast his little purchases add up.
Good Feelings
June 23rd, 2010 at 11:41 pmI just saved a baby bird. I feel so good.. (More about that in a minute)
I am gone from home with both DD and baby DS to visit family. Monday we drove to my parent's house, about a 2.5 hour trip. It went well. Yesterday, my mom, myself and the kids drove to my grandparents house. They live very close to the Oregon/California border, about 3 hours from my parents. They hadn't seen the baby yet and we suprised them! They were SO happy to meet Great Grandson #6! I took my grandma to a quick doctor appointment and did her grocery shopping with her. My dad joined all of us after work for dinner and then we came back to my mom/dad's house. Long day, but so wonderful to spend time with family. My grandma tried to slip me some cash for driving her around. I couldn't take it. I am glad to just help her. She's my grandma!!
About the birdie...
Today, my mom and DD started out for their trip to the coast. As they were leaving they spotted a baby bird on the lawn. Barely any feathers and it's little eyes were still closed. My DD was saying to me, "Mama, you have to do something! You can't leave it here. You have to take care of it." And I just felt so bad for the little guy/gal laying there moving it's naked little wings and kicking it's tiny little legs. I will admit I am probably a little more emotionally attached to babies right now because I have a new baby myself. I didn't want mama bird to lose her baby. Thinking about it made me heart sick..
Now, in our area we have people who do bird rescue or care for wildlife. You just pick up the phone or drive them in to a center. But, this is a little town. So I knew my best bet was to try to find the nest in the tree and put baby back. I thought I might have found it, but I wasn't sure, and it was 'up there'. Thankfully, it wasn't way out on a limb and was closer to the main trunk. I saw mama and dada bird next to baby on the ground trying to figure out what to do.
I tried parking our truck under the tree and then standing on the roof to climb on to the tree, but once on the tree I couldn't reach high enough. So, I located a ladder. I should say I am home alone (at my parents house) by this point with DS and my black lab. And I should say I don't do ladders! (My DH has all sizes of ladders and will zip up and down them all day, but he isn't here.) In order to reach the nest I had to use a 24 foot extention ladder. I managed to set it up good a solid. I said a little prayer. Tucked baby birdie into my bra and I up I went. Snugged him back into the nest and waited in the house by the window to watch. Within five minutes mama and dada took over!
Yay! Warm and fuzzy feelings!
Now off to take care of my own hungry little birdie.
Dad's Day
June 21st, 2010 at 12:16 amHaving a real nice day here at my house. Hoping all of you are too!
DD made a mini photo book for DH with some of her favorite pics of them together. And we gave him a $15 Cold Stone ice cream gift card from DD and baby DS. Made a breakfast quiche with fresh fruit on the side for breakfast this morning. The quiche is such a tasty treat, yet I only seem to make it once a year. Not hard, but it does take a bit of time. It has hashbrowns for the "crust" and today we used ham, onion and cheddar cheese, along with the eggs and cream, for the filling. So good!!! You can make the same thing. (Because I'm too lazy to type in my exact recipe) go to:
I use a whole stick of butter with the hashbrowns. I use more eggs. I also find I need to bake at 350F for more like 45 minutes to get it done. We top with sour cream.
DH is BBQing ribs right now for dinner later. Yummy...
I've managed to get stuff done today too. Some laundry, dishes, paid a few bills and gave both doggies their bath. Think I'll take the rest of the day off.
Oohh, I love July! (..and October and December)
June 18th, 2010 at 08:58 pmPutting July's budget together and guess what? My DH gets an extra paycheck! He is paid every Friday, so I love five Friday months. I knew it was coming, but excited just the same.
Escrow Account
June 18th, 2010 at 07:54 pmOh *groan* we received a notice from our mortgage company that we have a projected shortage in our escrow account. This means our monthly mortgage payment is increased by $137. *groan*
About a year ago they sent me a fat check for the overage, like $1200. So silly! But what'da goin’ do?!
I know we could take care of paying these things ourselves, but having an impound account seems like a better idea for us right now. I mean, we'd just have to set aside the same amount each month anyway.
Here's a question: In my sidebar with regard to the debt payments. Do you think I should leave the starting balance posted and bracket the current amount? Or should I just update as I payoff? What would you all like to see? I can't decide. (Boy, my life is full of hard choices isn't it? lol.)
June 17th, 2010 at 08:17 pmMet a friend and went for a two and a half mile walk with baby in the pack and DD on her bike. It was nice to get out this morning before it got too warm. We started at 8:30am and I thought it might be too cool, but it was just right, 68F. I had to take my sweatshirt off because the place we were at is mostly full sun. Thankfully there was a little breeze.
My friend is having her backyard landscaped right now. Or I should say hardscaped. It's going to be all stone and pavers. It's a pretty small (tiny) yard. You know big house on a small lot developement. She said the work should be done by next week. Cost: about $16,000. :0
I guess I'll move professional landscaping to the bottom of our home improvement to do list. lol.
What would you do? Buy a new fridge?
June 17th, 2010 at 12:41 amWe have a friend who works at Sears. I saw her yesterday and showed her baby DS. She showed me a new refrigerator. It is one of the models I had admired on past visits. It's 'last years' model, the floor display. It is on clearance. More than 50% off, like $1100 less. 0% Sears card financing for a year.
We are going to need a new fridge - at some point. Our current fridge is a 1991 model that came with the house. I suppose it will die sooner rather than later. Should we replace it now while we can get a great deal on the fancy fridge I really like? Or wait until it dies and buy at (likely) full price?
Updates on This & That
June 16th, 2010 at 07:48 pmBusy past few days! My little sister (23 yo) came for a two night visit. Very nice to have the extra pair of hands to help with baby DS. It gave DH and I a welcome break from diaper changes! She took DD to the beach on Monday for some special Auntie time. The weather was so gorgeous.
Did some shopping. Monday morning I went grocery shopping. $190. We live center to every grocery store in town. Lucky, Raley's, Safeway and Whole Foods. We've found that prices are really about the same on the stuff we buy at each store. Well not Whole Foods! Ha, we like never go there. Mostly we shop Safeway. My sis works for Safeway so when I use her 'club card' number I get an additional 10% off all Safeway brands. I really like their Eating Right frozen meals for lunch. Add some fruit or a yogurt on the side to go with it and it's just right. Plus quick and healthy. Anyhow, these frozen meals are $2 each, but with the 10% only $1.80!! Wahoo! You can't beat that. I think they're a good deal at $2, much cheaper than fast food.
Yesterday my sis, I and the kids had breakfast out. $28. Then she wanted to go to the mall in the next city. I haven't been past the Sears store and into the mall in like two years, or more? Bought vacuum bags at Sears. $17. Hand soaps at Bath & Body Works. $11. Then we went to the other mall, yup there are two in town. Old Navy I bought a skirt for me, shorts and capris for DS, flip flops for sis and a tank top on clearance. The tank top was $1.38! Wahoo!! Old Navy total $56. It's hard for me to spend money on clothes (sometimes).
Baby is six weeks old today. How quickly time goes. I have six more weeks of maternity leave. We have set up daycare with an older woman who has watched DD since she was little. DS daycare cost: $4 per hour.
To all SA moms: My Avent manual breastpump I bought works very nicely. I still need more time getting used to it, but like it better than a loud electric pump. Quiet and gentle. I would recommend it.
To moms and dads: Remember to try Use my referral code: SWEE9706. Save $10.
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